Odors To Watch Out For When Making Sure Your Water Is Safe

27 October 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


Water shouldn't smell terrible. If your water has a strange smell that you cannot account for, this could be a sign that there's something wrong with your water and it might need to be treated. It's important to find out what is causing the smell before you use your water.

Rotten Eggs

If the water smells like rotten eggs, this can be a sign of one of several problems including excessive:

  • Sulfur
  • Iron
  • Hydrogen sulfide

The water might be contaminated with bacteria and even a small amount can make your water smell very bad. The smell can probably only be eliminated with a water filtration system.

If your needs to be potable, it's important to make sure that the water is clean. This is accomplished by disinfecting the water and by filtering out contaminants that are not safe for human consumption. Some contaminants can make a human being ill immediately and other contaminants may cause serious health problems down the line.

A Musty Smell

If there are organics polluting the water, it might have a musty smell. The water will smell aged as if it has been sitting in one location stagnant for an extended period of time. The entire plumbing system will need to be sanitized including the water softener. You might also need a water filtration system.

A Metal Taste

When the water tastes like metal, this is usually because the pipes of your plumbing system are old and corroding. However, the small amounts of metal found in the water are usually not harmful. Water softeners and water filters can remove the metal from your water supply.

You may be able to improve the quality of your water by finding out why it is contaminated in the first place. For example, you might be able to find corrosion in your water supply and this might be introducing contaminants.

A Fishy Odor

If the water smells like fish or like a pond, it is likely contaminated with bacteria and decaying organic matter. This can make the water very unsafe to drink. There might also be trace contaminants coming from an unknown source. You might be unable to find the source of the contamination.

Installing a water treatment system can make your water potable so it can be used for a broad range of purposes such as human consumption. Then, you will need to test your water and have adjustments made to the water treatment system if it is still unsafe.

For more information on water treatment, contact a professional near you.