Flowing Artesian Wells: What Should You Know About Them?

6 May 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


If your manufacturing company plans to install a flowing artesian well on your property soon, you may have many questions and concerns about the wells. Flowing artesian wells are water-bearing wells, which means they don't need water pumps to work. However, you must follow a few strict rules to use and maintain a flowing well properly. Learn more about flowing artesian wells and how you can dig your well below.

What Is Flowing Artesian Wells?

Although most industrial water wells require some type of pump to access the water inside them, flowing artesian wells don't use any type of pumping system to retrieve water from the ground. Artesian wells rely on internal pressure to force water to the surface of the ground, which makes it easier for your company to obtain the water it needs each day. However, you must take certain precautions when you use or access the flowing water well.

You must use a flow valve, adapter, and other mechanisms to control the flow of water out of an artesian well. The mechanisms prevent the well from discharging large amounts of water to the surface of the ground. If too much water discharges out of the well, it can cause soil erosion and other problems for the terrain and land around it. Some companies place grout around the mouths of their wells to help keep the soil from eroding. 

In addition to placing a flow valve on an artesian well, you must also install the well's discharge pipe away from anything that may potentially contaminate it, such as industrial sewer lines and garbage disposal units. The water that comes from an artesian well is pure and clean enough to consume. Contaminants can make the water unclean or unusable. 

Now that you know a few things about flowing artesian wells, you can create a well for your business.

How Do You Prepare for Your Well?

First, contact an industrial well water supply company and request services. A company will visit your place of business and inspect your land carefully. A company must locate the source of water, or aquifer, for the well before they excavate the land. If a company digs in the wrong place, it may not have direct access to the aquifer or the water it contains.

A company must also obtain the proper equipment for the excavation. The equipment must be safe enough to use on your land without damaging the natural aquifer beneath it. A company will discuss the types of machines it uses to install artesian wells with you during the inspection.

Learn more about flowing artesian wells by contacting a well water supply company like Uni Tech Drilling Company Inc., today.